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Broad Valley Colony School


Who we are:

Broad Valley Colony School is a K-12 multigrade school. We currently have 39 students, a Principal, a K-8 teacher, 2 High School teachers, and 3 Educational Assistants. We are located near the town of Poplarfield. Being a small school builds strong personal connections between all staff and students. This also allows for a fun, flexible, and friendly learning environment, where success for all learners is the ultimate goal.

Mission Statement:

Broad Valley Colony School offers student-centered education. Students are challenged to learn and grow academically and socially in a safe, healthy, caring environment that fosters a lifelong love of learning. Our school promotes a personal sense of success and wellbeing, focusing on the real-life skills needed to become contributing members of society.


Broad Valley Colony School staff strive to create a positive, fun and rewarding learning environment, where students take pride in themselves and their school. Our K-12 school programming delivers Manitoba curriculum in a multigrade setting.  High levels of Literacy and Numeracy are our constant goals. Our High School programming also focuses on career development and work education, through student apprenticeship and volunteering work on the colony.


2024-2025 School Calendar
2022-2023 School Calendar

Broad Valley Colony School's Pages:
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